
Situations That May Require Cat Diapers

Teaching how to use the litter box is probably one of the first lessons that owners teach to their cats. Of course, it would be best if you will able to maintain cleanliness in the house despite the presence of a pet cat. It would be a big hassle to clean up the urine and feces of your pets every morning or evening.

On the other hand, you do not have to worry much about the litter box training because the cat is very clean and vain by nature. Their instincts will guide them in using the litter box properly. However, there are still cases wherein they will miss the litter box. Here are some situations that may require using disposable diapers for your cat.

1. During the Process of Litter Training - cat's instinct may teach him about using litter box but there are times wherein the feline misses especially if it is still a very young kitten. You should not be frustrated or angry when this happens. The best solution is to keep a disposable diaper in handy to make sure that you have a back-up plan.

2. After a surgery - another situation wherein your cat needs to use diaper is after a visit to the vet or after a surgery operation. When your cat wakes up after anaesthesia, there is high possibility that it will miss the litter box. Of course, you should understand your pet and just use a diaper for the mean time while it is recovering from the surgery.

3. When you decided not to neuter or spay your cat - there are pet owners who decide not to spay or neuter their pet so when this is the situation then you have to be prepared to deal with your pets spaying or marking their territories with their urine or feces. You could fix this situation by having your pets spayed or neutered and while you are deciding, you must consider using disposable diapers.

4. During a Case of Feline Incontinence -you should observe your cat carefully. If you notice that it is having difficulty urinating or cannot urinate at all then there may be partial or full blockage in its urinary tract. The condition is called incontinence. It is not a behavioural problem but a serious a problem so you should not punish your cat in case it misses the litter box. It is also hard for them not to be able to urinate in the litter box like what they usually do so just let them wear disposable diaper. You should make sure to bring them to the specialist for immediate treatment.

5. Aging - more cases of sickness might occur as your feline ages and they might find it difficult to urinate in the litter box so you should prepare more supplies of diaper for them.

You should prepare disposable diapers for your feline during the situations discussed in this article. This is to keep your cat clean and comfortable as well as to ensure safety at home. Scattered urine on the floor could easily cause accident so you must prevent this to happen.

